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Apples on the farm ready to pick


Bramley, Cameo, Cox, Braeburn, Russet, September Wonder (Fuji), Gala, Red Windsor, Cheerfull Gold, and Robijn.
We supply to the supermarkets and can also supply local shops, farm shops, markets and wholesalers.
All apples are packed in our dedicated modern top fruit packhouse (loose, poly, flow-wrapped) at Victoria Farm in Hadlow, Nr Tonbridge, Kent.
Fruit Picking

If you would like to join us apple picking or packing, please apply by email with your details and we will  send the new season notes and application form.
We usually start picking in Mid August until the beginning of November and expect fruit pickers to stay min. 4 weeks or the entire season.  Some may like to  stay on to work in the fruit packhouse.


We have many policies to protect the environment including conservation, water, energy, pollution, crop protection, and re-cyling.
Integrated pest management (IPM) controls using good agronomic practices, such as crop rotation, use of disease-resistant varieties and crop walking.
We continue to reduce our carbon footprint by reducing energy and water consumption while increasing our biodiversity and protecting the environment and keeping a balance with nature.
reservoir on Victora Fam, Hadlow, Kent UK
New apple orchard on Victoria Farm, Hadlw
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Bramley apple on Victoria Farm, Hadlow, Kent
Fruit packhouse Victoria Farm Hadow, Kent
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Bee hives
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